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Showing posts from September, 2019

Job Search: 13 Tips for Getting a Phone Interview

Phone interviews can be tricky. It is very difficult to impress a stranger on the other end of the telephone wire without being able to use body language. And you get annoyed every time you accidentally interrupt each other. But despite the inconvenience of telephone interviews, they remain an integral part of the hiring process for most companies. And if you need work, you will have to learn how to go through telephone interviews. We have prepared 13 tips for the perfect phone job interview . Here are tips for preparing for the interview, the best strategies during the interview itself and some recommendations on what to do after the interview. Recruiters in recruiting agencies conduct dozens of interviews with candidates every day; they know how best. So don't be nervous during your next phone interview - just follow these guidelines. 13 tips for a perfect phone interview Telephone interviews can be tricky, especially if you are a candidate. Follow these tips and you wil

12 principles of a winning resume

Each applicant seeks to ensure that his resume falls into the hands of a recruitment manager among a huge variety of others. How to create a resume that will attract attention, but at the same time will not be too embellished? A resume that will help you get your dream job should include: 1. Specific figures Use statistics to make the impression you need. For example, the phrase “worked with many clients” is better replaced by the phrase “worked with 8 clients per day on a cyclic schedule.” 2. Simplicity and concreteness There is no need to overload the personnel officer with excessive attention to details and use jargon, and the structure of the resume should not be too complicated. Instead, focus on truly relevant and up-to-date information. Achievements are undoubtedly an important part of the resume, but try to limit yourself to 3-5 achievements for each position held earlier. You must choose the most significant of them, and make sure that they exactly match the vacancy t

10 mistakes when writing a resume

- There is no last name of the applicant in the name of the file, the position for which he claims. Instead, applicants do the most stupid thing: they call the file "resume". And HR has to spend time renaming or pressing the DEL key. - Do not indicate the position for which they apply. You can meet such pearls: “Find a job where I can apply my knowledge and skills”, “Realize my potential”, “Get a job with decent wages and realize myself.” And the personnel officers think: “What does this person need from us? Maybe it’s better to delete this resume in the basket and not force your brain to solve puzzles? ” - Errors or typos. This indicates either carelessness or the poor quality of education. And also about the future attitude to work. - The font. Size too small, or too creative font. A summary should be as easy to read as a Wikipedia page. - A heterogeneous document. Fonts, indents, line spacing vary. There is no single document structure. They write a solid sheet of

7 steps to writing a resume

Step 1: form It all starts with the form. I mean with a certain template, structure, skeleton, if you want. Once I read that using Internet templates is not comme il faut, and supposedly it even speaks of your Vordov insolvency. Actually, to be honest, this is bullshit. Believe me, in the 21st century, nobody cares exactly where exactly you take the form, if you can bring it into a divine form with your brains. Of such cool examples that made me smile (but in no case doubt the candidate), there were forms of banks with a lot of personal information, such as passport data and a residence address, there were resume templates for some Minsk IT companies with their standard questions and logo, were ... there were resumes even in iksel :-) I myself take one of the standard Word templates: file-> create-> resume. Further, Ms Word offers 3 folders: standard, job specific resume, situation specific resume. Absolutely not sure, but it seems that I myself chose a resume programmer, we

How to write a resume to be answered

You said to yourself: “They probably didn’t see him,” or: “Maybe I just don’t fit this job.” But most likely, your resume just did not impress the employer. HR managers receive dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes for one open vacancy. Often, HR managers spend a few seconds to consider each resume, you may be ideally suited for work, but if your resume has at least one typo, if it is poorly formatted, or you use the wrong font, - it can easily be ignored. Business Insider before There are some tips for writing a resume: 1. Do not write the purpose of applying for a resume If you have applied to your employer, it is already obvious that you want to get this job. Nevertheless, if you are in a unique situation, for example, when you change the scope of work completely, it may be useful to include in the resume. 2. Cut out all unnecessary work experience. Yes, you may already have been the “king of cocktails” in the restaurant, you worked at the school. But, if you plan to do this fu